Boron builds muscle mass, increases brain activity and strengthens bones. Peninsula Hot Springs contains 1.3 PPM boron.
Magnesium converts blood sugar to energy and promotes healthy skin. Peninsula Hot Springs contains 90 PPM magnesium.
Potassium assists in the normalisation of heart rhythms, assists in reducing high blood pressure, helps to eliminate body toxins and promotes healthy skin. Peninsula Hot Springs contain 64 PPM potassium.
Mineral springs naturally rich in chlorides, in amounts between 0.5 to 3%, are considered by some researchers to be beneficial for rheumatic conditions, arthritis, central nervous system conditions, post-traumatic and post-operative disorders. Peninsula Hot Springs contain 1432 PPM chloride content.
Bathing in bicarbonate water assists in opening peripheral blood vessels, improving circulation to the body's extremities and potentially helping to address hypertension and mild atherosclerosis. Some researchers believe that bicarbonate baths also assist cardiovascular disease and nervous system imbalances. Peninsula Hot Springs thermal mineral water contains 1163 PPM bicarbonate.
minerals in our water
deepen your understanding of our water
High in mineral content, our water comes from deep below Earth's surface. Peninsula Hot Springs is a filtration hot spring, our water is estimated to have been deep within the earth for more than 10,000 years.
Our waters rise from 637 metres below the ground and are classified as true mineral springs. Tokyo-based Japanese Hot Spring Research Institude classified us as a sodium bicarbonate spring. It has since been found by the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences in New Zealand to contain 90 ppm (parts per million) magnesium, 64 ppm potassium, 1.3 ppm boron, and 868 ppm sodium, aling with other natural salts and trace elements.
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